I will never turn anyone away even if they are from a different faith(:
Fundamentally though, MBA is a BUSINESS course that is Christ centered.
I created it this way not to sound preachy or convert anyone, it's just personally how I run my own business. I've found a lot of peace & success running my business based on God's principles, thus that is naturally what I readily share with MBA students as well.
What this tangibly looks like is:
1. I always stress that it's not about the money you make, but the people you are called to serve.
2. We tackle a lot of mindset issues directly with God's word (I believe that is the only thing that can bring lasting change)
3. When I mentor you, whatever I suggest will ever contradict with the Faith (even if that's how the world does it)
So in summary, everyone is welcome to join even if you're not christian!
However, you will need to comfortable with how the course is conducted. On my end, you have my word that I will never ever force my faith on you & will respect your beliefs. Jesus is just a huge part of my life & guides the way I do things, so that naturally comes out in my teachings.
Do make an informed decision regarding this! I would love to have you on board in MBA, but please make a decision YOU are most comfortable with.