Whatever the trial, we can choose to resent our circumstance, or focus on the one carrying us through it.
I don't know what you're going through today friend & I have absolutely no right to tell you to "just feel better about it". But from one suffering human to another, i've personally come out stronger from my trials when I kept my focus on Him.
He has always been faithful, He never fails.
So maybe it's not about feeling better, nor living to avoid pain. Maybe, just maybe, when we step forward in obedience, our trials & choices in it, might be lovingly moulding us into the likeness of our maker.
When I fix my eyes on that outcome, weathering the storms seem much less daunting(: I'm not facing these mountains alone, Jesus is batting for my team! His grace is sufficient for me, His power is made perfect in my weakness. Ultimately, He works all things together for the good of those who love Him & are called according to His purpose.
So let's run the good race together dear friend(: You're not in this fire alone! I pray that more of us will start stepping boldly out of being a victim of our circumstance & into the testimony of grace He has prepared ahead of you.
Alyletters The Podcast aims to empower christian youths, young adults and creatives to gain clarity & purpose in faith, work & life.
Fueled by His word, directed by the Holy Spirit & refined by personal experiences, this Podcast equips you with battle plans to navigate through daily struggles, confusing circumstances & heartbreaks.
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Alyletters is my labour of love to empower and encourage you & your loved ones to live each day with purpose. My hope is to partner with you to bless your loved ones & spread the good news of Jesus to the world. I pray that as more of His word is made known, He will increase & we will decrease! From him are all things & to him are all things(:
Your contribution here on Patreon directly helps me to continue creating & impacting lives for His Kingdom's Cause🔆 I am working on some Patreon rewards & will roll them out as soon as possible! Thank you for sowing into this ministry & the many others He intends to impact with it!
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